The Joy of Yoga: Fifty Sequences for Your Home and Studio Practice


The Joy of Yoga: Fifty Sequences for Your Home and Studio Practice

The Joy of Yoga: Fifty Sequences for Your Home and Studio Practice

The Joy of Yoga: Fifty Sequences for Your Home and Studio Practice

The Joy of Yoga: Fifty Sequences for Your Home and Studio Practice.

Provides step-by-step instructions and photographs on asana (postures) and pranayama (breathing techniques) for fifty sequences lists the benefits of each sequence and include helpful information about modifications for poses and encourages readers to create sequences on their own, using the sequences in the book as starting points.Millions of people take time out of their busy schedules every day to attend yoga classes where they learn postures and breathing techniques that make them feel more energized and balanced. Thousands of other people, however, have yet to find the time in their days to do anything but work, study, or chase after their children. In The Joy of Yoga, author and expert Emma Silverman teaches readers how to take advantage of the health benefits yoga offers even when they can’t make it to regularly scheduled classes.The Joy of Yoga offers short sequences that readers can perform while seated on airplanes, standing at the bus stop, or even while waiting for water to boil. In addition, it also includes sequences to help with daily aches, pains, and annoyances, such as tired feet, sensitive wrists, neck and shoulder tension, anxiety, and even heartbreak. Weekend gardeners, runners, musicians, and waiters/waitresses will also find exercises that will help ease the tension in their muscles after long hours of work or play.“Using this book is simple. Find the sequence that sounds just right, open up to the page, and follow the images. All of the poses have their names listed in Sanskrit and in English. The sequences are complete with warm-ups, complete yoga practices, and cool downs. If you’re a little pressed for time (who isn’t?), then move through the postures using one breath per pose, unless otherwise noted. If you’re looking for a longer practice, you can hold poses for a little longer or combine multiple sequences. Or just take a really long SAVANASA (Relaxation Pose) at the end.”. 

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The Joy of Yoga: Fifty Sequences for Your Home and Studio Practice

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